Awards regulations
Last update on: 14th December 2021
Article 1
Les Olivonomy Paris Awards ont pour objet, dans un esprit de transparence et de coopération universelle, de réunir l’ensemble des producteurs, marques, distributeurs, négociants d’huile d’olive dans le monde (ci-après pris collectivement ou individuellement les ‘Participants’) afin de révéler et mettre en valeur leur excellence. L’objectif est de favoriser le développement de ce secteur et les célébrer à l’international par la plus grande couverture médiatique possible.
Article 2
Les Participants intègrent les Olivonomy Paris Awards (ci-après la ‘Compétition’) en enregistrant dûment une ou plusieurs références (ci-après pris collectivement ou individuellement les ‘Entrées’ ou ‘Entrée’) c’est-à-dire en finalisant définitivement l’ensemble des modalités et opérations de paiement (ci-après les ‘Droits d’inscription’) et d’enregistrement prévu à cet effet sur le site (ci-après le ‘Site’). Ce faisant les Participants acceptent expressément et sans condition, les Conditions Générales de Vente, les Conditions Générales d’Utilisation, les conditions de fonctionnement du Site ainsi que le présent Règlement.
Article 3
Les Entrées ne peuvent être que des spiritueux, produits en quantité commerciale suffisante, dont le distillat est produit à 100% à base de canne à sucre et de ses dérivés et doivent correspondre à l’une des 22 catégories limitativement prévues par le Site. Les Entrées doivent être présentées dans leur embouteillage et avec leur étiquette commerciale et doivent être scellées par une capsule en fonction de la réglementation en vigueur dans leurs États de production respectifs (ci-après les ‘Échantillons scellés’). L’étiquetage des Entrées élaborées dans les États membres de l’UE doit être conforme à la réglementation communautaire et pour les pays tiers, conforme à la réglementation en vigueur dans leurs États de production respectifs. Les étiquettes temporaires ne peuvent, en aucune façon, être reçues comme valable. A titre exceptionnel, des versions de pré-production (ci-après ‘Entrées spéciales’) peuvent être acceptées par le Questeur en charge de la gestion de l’administration interne de la Compétition (ci-après le ‘Questeur’), et concourir au même titre que les Entrées si, d’une part, elles sont conformes à l’ensemble des règles légales de leurs États de production et, d’autre part, font l’objet d’un test de chromatographie gazeuse esters+ avant et après la Compétition. Ces Entrées spéciales font l’objet d’une tarification spéciale, selon les modalités définies par les Conditions Générales de Vente.
Article 4
Les Entrées ne doivent contenir aucun additif illicite ou tout autre composant illégal de type stupéfiant ou psychotrope. Les Participants s’y engagent par une déclaration sur l’honneur lors de l’enregistrement sur le Site.
Article 5
Une fois l’ensemble des modalités et opérations de paiement et d’enregistrement prévu à l’article 2 définitivement finalisé, les Entrées ne sont réellement admises à concourir qu’une fois les Échantillons scellés reçus par le Questeur. A cette fin, trois Échantillons scellés par Entrée de 70cl (quatre Échantillons scellés par Entrée de 50cl), sauf dérogation exceptionnelle délivrée par le Questeur pour des Entrées présentant une grande valeur pécuniaire, doivent être adressés Franco domicile (frais de port, douanes et taxes à charge des Participants), accompagnés d’une facture pro forma mentionnant précisément et de manière suffisamment lisible les éléments suivants:
• “Samples of no commercial value, not for sale. Samples for competition – ISS Awards”.
• “Échantillons sans valeur commerciale, interdit à la vente. Échantillons pour concours – ISS Awards”.
Adresse de livraison:
Company: Rum Intelligence SAS – ISS Awards c/o Vignapart
Attention: Aymeric Chauveau
Street number: 176
Street name: avenue Marx Dormoy
Zipcode: 92120
City: Montrouge
Country: France
Phone: +33 6 70 82 71 24
Products can be received from Tuesday to Saturday during these timeframes: 10:15am – 01:00pm and 04:15pm – 08:00pm.
Adresse de facturation pour pro-forma:
Company: Rum Intelligence SAS
Incorporation number: 881 973 481
Attention: Marc Battais
Street number: 128
Street name: rue de la Boétie
Zipcode: 75008
City: Paris
Country: France
Phone: +33 6 22 28 71 95
Tout Échantillon scellé envoyé en port dû sera refusé.
Article 6
Les Échantillons scellés restent propriété des Participants les ayant inscrits jusqu’à leur dégustation par les juges. Après cette étape, les Olivonomy Paris Awards en deviennent propriétaire. Les Échantillons scellés reçus tardivement, n’ayant pas fait l’objet d’une inscription conforme ou préalable, ou ne correspondant pas à l’inscription, ne seront ni présentés à la Compétition, ni restitués et resteront la propriété d’Olivonomy. Les Échantillons scellés ayant subis une altération durant le transport ne seront ni présentés à la Compétition, ni restitués et seront détruits par le Questeur.
Article 7
En aucune circonstance il ne sera procédé ni au remboursement, ni à l’octroi de crédit de Droits d’entrée, notamment (mais non exclusivement) dans l’éventualité de la disqualification ou du retrait d’une Entrée, de la perte, la destruction ou l’endommagement des Échantillons scellés envoyés, de la réception tardive des Échantillons scellés après la clôture de la date limite de leur réception, ainsi qu’en cas de vol, perte, retard ou avarie dans l’acheminement des fioles codées (au sens de l’Article 9 ci-dessous) aux membres du Panel des Experts (ci-après les ‘Experts’).
Article 8
Le Questeur est la seule personne habilitée à ouvrir et manipuler après leur ouverture les Échantillons scellés. Il les classe, les code et les fait parvenir, en fioles neuves certifiées, (ci-après les ‘Fioles codées’) aux Experts qu’il a déterminé en fonction de leurs compétences mais également afin d’assurer une répartition géographique mondiale équilibrée, de manière à ce qu’ils puissent les déguster à l’aveugle selon les fondements éthiques de leurs pratiques et dans les conditions définies par la Charte qualité présentée sur le Site.
Article 10
Pour chaque Entrée les fiches électroniques de dégustation (scorecards) que les Experts valident sont traitées en graphiques visuels détaillés, eux-mêmes cumulés pour donner une image globale du profil aromatique et textural de l’Entrée concernée (ci-après pris collectivement ou individuellement les ‘Fiches produit exclusives’ ou ‘FPE’). Les FPE seront présentées sur le Site qui opère également comme moteur de recherche et guide d’achat pour le public. Les FPE ne contiennent aucune indication de classement, à l’exception du scoring global de référence en base 100 ainsi que les récompenses décernées par la Compétition. Par l’inscription des Entrées, les Participants donnent leur plein consentement à la participation à la Compétition dans les conditions prévues par le présent Règlement et souscrivent pleinement à la présentation des FPE des Entrées sur le Site.
Article 11
Toute survenance d’un événement imprévisible et indépendant de la volonté des Olivonomy Paris Awards et de sa Société organisatrice (notamment mais non exclusivement, en cas d’épidémie, d’incendie, d’inondation, de catastrophe naturelle, de grève, ou d’acte terroriste, etc.), sera considérée comme constitutif d’un cas de force majeure. Si un tel événement devait empêcher le bon déroulement de la Compétition (notamment mais non exclusivement, son annulation ou la modification des dates, des conditions, des modalités de sa tenue), ni les Olivonomy Paris Awards, ni la Société organisatrice ne pourraient, en aucun cas, être tenus pour responsables et aucun dédommagement ne pourrait être demandé par les Participants.
Article 12
La participation à la Compétition implique l’adhésion au présent Règlement. Le Président ou, par délégation, le Vice-Président de Hove SAS ont seuls le pouvoir d’en interpréter les dispositions au nom des Olivonomy Paris Awards (en cas de contradiction, la version française faisant foi) et, en vu de trancher tout litige naissant de son application, de se prononcer sur tous les cas non prévus au Règlement. En cas de litige en relation avec la Compétition, les juridictions de Paris seront seules compétentes et la loi française seule applicable.
Terms & Conditions OND
By submitting an entry to participate in the Olio Nuovo Days Northern Hemisphere Olive Oil Competition (OND NH), each contestant agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. Each contestant should read these Terms and Conditions carefully. A contestant’s application will not be accepted and processed unless and until the contestant checks the box below, indicating that the contestant has read, understands, and agrees to these Terms and Conditions.
Individual olive oil producers, olive oil producers’ associations, and authorized olive oil distributors are eligible to participate as contestants in OND NH. Only extra virgin olive oils produced in the Northern Hemisphere harvest 2020 may be entered into the 2021 OND NH. Other oils, including, but not limited to, flavored or infused extra virgin olive oils, are not eligible to be judged in the OND NH. By entering an olive oil in the OND NH, the contestant represents and warrants that it has full ownership of the olive oil and all intellectual property associated therewith, including the brand name, packaging, and any and all other intellectual property rights associated with such olive oil.
All contestants must complete and submit an online entry form to the OND NH. Upon submitting the entry form and paying the entire entry fee, each contestant will receive an email containing an entry confirmation and a packing instructions to be included with the contestant’s shipment of oil samples to the OND NH.
The entry fee is the is 280 €. Registration ends December 10th 202à but it can close at any time without notice. All payments must be made by bank transfer or Paypal on request (wiring transfer cost not included). Entry fees are not refundable under any circumstances.
Each contestant must provide OND NH with 6 (6) separate samples of each olive oil that such contestant enters into the OND NH. Each sample must be submitted in its normal retail packaging and with its normal brand label. This rule applies to all entries, minimum packaging size of the sample 500 ML. Once received by the OND NH, samples will be masked with opaque wrapping and assigned a random code so as to ensure anonymity during judging.
Samples must be received by the OND NH before January 11st 2021. Samples received by the OND NH after January 11st 2021 will not be eligible for judging in the OND NH 2021. Samples that are not timely received will not be returned to the contestant.
Contestants are responsible for packing their samples in such a way as to prevent breakage during transit. If the OND NH receives a sample that is broken, the OND NH will use reasonable efforts to promptly notify contestant of the broken sample. Contestant will be required to re-send any broken sample (or samples) at its own expense. The above-described deadlines will be applicable to any re-sent samples as though the initial, broken sample had never been received by the OND NH. The OND NH will not be liable for any failure to timely notify a contestant of a broken sample.
The OND NH will not be liable to any contestant for any loss or damage to any sample, whether or not such damage occurs while such sample is in the OND NH’s possession, and irrespective of whether such damage or loss occurs prior to, during, or after the OND NH. In the event that a sample is lost or damaged for any reason, the contestant will be required to submit a replacement sample at its own expense.
The OND NH will not be responsible for any customs charges or ensuring compliance with any laws, rules, or regulations related to shipping goods in international commerce. Contestants will bear the risk of loss of any samples in transit, and contestants shall be solely responsible for ensuring that samples are received by the OND NH. Shipping costs will not be refunded by the OND NH under any circumstances. The OND NH will use reasonable efforts to confirm receipt of samples from contestants.
The competition has 3 categories : TASTING BY CHEFS & SOMMELIERS, TASTING BY KIDS – 5/12 Year-old, DESIGN & LABEL
PACKAGING – To enter OND NH 2021 gives to each participant the opportunity to have an organoleptic description of each EVOO entered.
The decisions of the judging panel and the OND NH 2021 are final. Contestants are not required to be in attendance at the OND NH to win. Judges are not affiliated with the OND NH and are comprised of independent industry-recognized experts in their particular discipline. At the discretion of the OND NH, any particular contestant may receive a summary of the judges’ assessment of its olive oil entry beyond whether it won or did not win. The OND NH does not provide consultations to contestants to improve the quality of their products.
The results will be announced and certified only by the president of the OND NH. The winners may mention their accomplishment only on labels of extra virgin olive oil bottled from the same batch as the winning sample. The OND NH will use reasonable efforts to avoid disclosing the scores of non-winning samples, but the OND NH makes no guaranty that such scores will remain confidential. All results are final.
By submitting an entry to the OND NH, each contestant hereby grants a perpetual, royalty free license to the OND NH, Olio Nuovo Days, EXTRA VIERGE MASTER CLASS, and each of their affiliates, to use winners’ names, likenesses, recordings (whether audio or visual), and other information submitted to the OND NH, as well as images and information related to such contestant’s olive oil entry(ies), for advertising, promotional and educational purposes without compensation to the contestant.
Each contestant hereby assigns ownership of all samples submitted to the OND NH and the associated right to publicize such samples, with the understanding that all such entries will remain the property of the OND NH before, during, and after the competition. For clarity, the OND NH does not purport to own the intellectual property in the samples submitted to it by contestants. Contestants shall be solely liable for any claims arising out of or relating to any samples submitted to the OND NH.
Submitted samples will not be returned to contestants before, during, or after the competition for any reason, except in the OND NH’s sole discretion.
The OND NH will not be responsible for lost, interrupted, or unavailable communications, network servers, or other connections, or failed telephone communications, computer transmissions, or other errors of any kind, whether human, mechanical or electronic.The OND NH assumes no responsibility for any error, defect, delay, theft or unauthorized access to or alteration of entries. Subject to applicable law, if for any reason, including, but not limited to, by reason of acts of wars, acts of terrorism, revolution, civil commotion, acts of public enemy, embargo, acts of government in its sovereign capacity, labor difficulties, or any other circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the OND NH , the OND NH is not capable of operating the competition as planned, the OND NH reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the competition, and the OND NH shall not be liable for any losses, causes of action, claims, or damages arising from any such cancelation, termination, modification, or suspension.
The OND NH makes no representations or warranties as to the quality, suitability, or merchantability of any of the goods or services offered as awards or submitted to the OND NH.
Except as prohibited by law, the OND NH shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered or sustained by any contestant or any third party for any reason (including, but not limited to, consequential loss, loss of revenue, loss of profit or economic loss), including for personal injury or property damage suffered or sustained, as a result of participation in the competition, the use of any award, or the failure to win or receive an award for any reason.
Each contestant agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the OND NH from and against any and all liability, cost, loss, damages, or expense, including, but not limited to, for personal injury or damage to property arising out of or relating to such contestant’s participation in the OND NH or acceptance of any prize or award, and whether such liability, cost, loss, damage, or expense is direct, indirect, consequential, foreseeable, due to some act or omission of the OND NH, or otherwise.
Each contestant (and any employee or agent of any contestant) may be required to sign and return any liability release provided by the OND NH or its contractors as a condition of participating in the OND NH. Failure to return any signed release will result in a disqualification of contestant from the competition.
The OND NH may disqualify any contestant from participating in the competition at any time and for any reason, and each contestant agrees and acknowledges that the OND NH will not be liable for any loss, cost, damages, or expenses incurred by any such disqualified contestant under any circumstances.
Winners will be permitted to order adhesive labels through the OND NH’s approved vendor(s). Award stickers are available to order until September 30 of the competition year. Winning contestants will be permitted to affix the award logo labels only to bottles containing the same oil (same harvest, olive varieties and production batch) and in the same packaging as the winning sample. Any other use of the OND NH award logos or other OND NH intellectual property is strictly prohibited.
Award trophies are not included in the entry fee. Trophies can be ordered by verified winners on request : immediately following the competition for a period of ninety (90) days. Contestants are responsible for all costs associated with obtaining, publicizing, or using any trophy or award, including any taxes or other fees as may be charged to any contestant in relation to such trophy or award.
If a contestant has any questions regarding the OND NH, please contact the or contact@olio-
Terms of Use
Last update on: December 14th, 2021
These terms of use (hereinafter the “Terms of Use“) describes the terms and conditions under which the company HOVE, a French Société par Actions Simplifiée with a capital of Euros 1 000,00, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under number 881 973 481, whose registered office is located at 19 avenue Bugeaud, 75116, PARIS, FRANCE (hereinafter “HOVE”) shall make its website ““ (hereinafter the “Website”) available to users of the Website (hereinafter the “User” or “Users”).
Upon prior creation of an account, the Users might access the services made available to them according to their status (hereinafter the “Services”). The Users of the Website are the judges of the Olivonomy Paris Awards, the board members, the candidates, or any visitor of the Website.
These Terms of Use can be accessed at any times on the Website.
Access to the Website and the use of its Services is subject to the conditions set out below. These Terms of Use are a legally binding agreement between the User and HOVE. By using the Website, User agrees to be bound by these Terms of Use and have to abide by them. If the User does not accept these terms, its only remedy is to cease and refrain using the Website. HOVE hereby informs visitors that these general terms and conditions may be modified at any time. The date of the last update appears at the beginning of these Terms of Use. As soon as they are displayed online, each visitor who accesses the Website is deemed to have accepted these modifications without restriction. It is therefore the User’s responsibility to read these terms and conditions prior to browsing the Website. The Users acknowledge having been informed that they have the option to save these Terms of Use on their hard drive and / or printing them on paper.
HOVE will do its very best to provide Users access to the Website at all times and to make every effort to correct any unavailability as quickly as possible. The Website is normally available twenty-four/seven, except in cases of force majeure or event beyond the control of HOVE and subject to any breakdowns and maintenance necessary for the proper functioning of the Site. HOVE may at its sole discretion suspend, interrupt or stop access to all or part of the Website for maintenance purposes. The access of any User to the Website may also be impeded by factors beyond the control of HOVE, including but not limited to, non-functioning, inefficiency or inadequacy of the equipment used by the User to access to the Website and / or unavailability, non-functioning or interruption of access to the Internet or other telecommunication service used to access to the Website. HOVE shall not be liable in case of inability to access the Website or any losses or direct or indirect damage to the User. Internet connection costs are at the User own expense.
In order to access the Services of the Website, Users may be required to first create an account and specify a password. The User must provide truthful and accurate information. In case the User’ information changes at any time, the User must update its account to reflect those changes. The password is personal and confidential and the User must not transfer it or in other ways make it available to others. It is the User’s responsibility to ensure that the password does not fall into the hands of a third party. If the User become aware that the password is or may have been compromised, the User is obligated to inform HOVE hereof. If the User creates the account on behalf its employer, the User hereby represents and warrants that it has the requisite authority to enter any agreement with HOVE including these Terms of Use and to bind its employer. Any User who has registered for the Services may delete its account and cancel the Services at any time. Any and all rights of a User to use the Service shall cease to exist when such User’s account has been deleted for any reason. Without limiting anything in these Terms of Use, HOVE will not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, in any way for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of, or in connection with, the User failure to comply with this Section 3.
Once the User creates an account, the User can access the Services. Depending of the User’s status, it will access a specific type of services:
a) Judges will access:
• a dedicated account to register as a judge and then to provide their ratings;
• the database containing the information and final global scores of products that have participated in the competition, in order to consult it;
b) Candidates will access:
• a dedicated account to register as a candidate, provide information regarding their company and the alcoholic beverages they want to be evaluated within the competition of the International Sugarcane Spirits Awards, and pay for such Services;
• the database containing the information and final global scores of alcoholic beverages that have participated in the competition, in order to consult it;
c) Users who are not judges nor candidates will access:
• a dedicated account to access specific features of the database and to interact with it.
• the database containing the information and final global scores of alcoholic beverages that have participated in the competition, in order to consult it.
d) Visitors who are not Users will access:
• the database containing the information and final global scores of alcoholic beverages that have participated in the competition, in order to consult it.
In connection with the use of this Website, HOVE will process certain personal data about Users. These processing will be made in accordance with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of January 6th, 1978 as modified (hereinafter the “Loi Informatique et Libertés” or “LIL”), the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of April 27th, 2016 (hereinafter the “GDPR”), and with the terms of HOVE’s Privacy Policy available here.
User acknowledges that the Website and all of its content, including, but not limited to, the Website architecture, as well as any text, articles, information, pictures, videos, images, illustrations (including or not personal data), database, software, trademarks and logo available on the Website (hereinafter the “Content”), are protected by applicable intellectual property laws and are the exclusive property of, or duly licensed to HOVE. HOVE grants the User a license to access and use the Website and its Services, notably the database. Please note that the license granted to the User is a non-exclusive, revocable, personal, non-assignable, non-transferable and non-sublicensable worldwide license.
Except as provided above, User may not:
• copy, reproduce, represent, publicly display, broadcast, perform, transmit, distribute, sell, publish, permanently or temporarily, all or part of the Content and/or Website in any manner and in any media now known or hereinafter developed;
• create derivative works of the Content and/or Website;
• modify, translate, adapt, arrange all or part of the Content and/or Website; or
• disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer the Website.
Documents and information provided by HOVE on the Website, notably the table score, the ratings of the entires, and pictures should not be collected and processed without the prior written approval of HOVE. In particular, each User agrees not to collect or use such data, through manual or automated means, in order to send unsolicited marketing or other messages or make unsolicited marketing telephone calls or other calls. Showing, reproducing, distributing, extracting or reusing, in part or in whole, of the databases accessible through the Website or the Services is specifically prohibited pursuant to Articles L.341-1 and seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Please note that pursuant to Article L.122-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code, any complete or partial performance/broadcasting or reproduction, by any process whatsoever, which is not expressly authorized shall be unlawful and shall constitute an infringement pursuant to Articles L.335-2 and sq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. Any reproduction in whole or in part of the trademarks and logo made from components taken from the Website without the express authorization of HOVE is prohibited by Article L.713-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Users grant HOVE a worldwide, non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free right and license to publish, display, reproduce, modify, create derivative works of and commercially exploit the data provided by the Users to HOVE when creating their account on the Website and further using the Services (hereinafter the “Users’ Content”). This license to use is granted for any medium and for the duration of the intellectual property rights. This license to use the Users’ Content includes in particular for HOVE the rights:
• to reproduce or to have reproduced the Users’ Content, in whole or in part, by any means of diffusion and communication, without limitation of number, in whole or in part, by any means and processes;
• to represent or have represented the Users’ Content, in whole or in part, by all means of diffusion and communication;
• to adapt, modify, transform, and develop, in whole or in part, the Users’ Content, and also to integrate them in whole or in part into existing or future works, and this on any paper, magnetic or optical medium, including the Internet;
• to use and distribute the Users’ Content within the framework of the commercial exploitation of the Website, of the Olivonomy Paris Awards, and of all advertising thereof.
The Users’ Content might vary depending on the type of User:
• Regarding the judges and board members: the license to use granted to HOVE applies in particular to their pictures, biography and other information provided when creating their account and further using the Services. Judges and board members shall maintain the information provided to HOVE up to date;
• Regarding the candidates: the license to use granted to HOVE applies in particular to the pictures of the alcohols competing the Olivonomy Paris Awards, their description, information regarding the candidate and the results of the ratings by the judges. Candidates shall maintain the information provided to HOVE up to date.
HOVE expressly undertakes to refrain from using the Users’ Content in a way that may infringe on the privacy or reputation of the Users, nor to use these data on any pornographic, racist, xenophobic or any other prejudicial medium.
Users are informed that HOVE reserves the right to freely remove any Users’ Content on the Website that may be considered illegal or inappropriate, in particular Users’ Content infringing Articles L3323-1 and seq. of the French Public Health Code, without having to notify it or justify it.
Users can subscribe to HOVE’s newsletter by entering their email address in the appropriate section on the Website. At any time, Users will be able to unsubscribe to the newsletter by following the dedicated link at the end of each newsletter emails, or by sending an email to HOVE at the following address:
HOVE will use its best efforts to ensure Website availability and accessibility 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please also note that the Internet network and IT and telecommunication systems are not error-free, and interruptions and failures may occur. HOVE makes no warranty in this respect and cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from the use of the Website, the Internet network and the IT and telecommunication systems. The User agrees that it is its responsibility to install suitable anti-virus and security software on its computer hardware and other devices to protect against any such bugs, viruses or other such harmful programming routines. Any content downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the Website is done at User’s own risk and the User will be solely responsible for any damage to its computer system or loss of data that results from the download of any such content. HOVE cannot be held liable for any damage whatsoever resulting from any login to the Website by User which is made under its sole liability. HOVE may temporarily suspend access to the Website, including for technical maintenance purposes, without notice, nor incurring any liability whatsoever. The Website may contain links to websites that are managed by third parties (hereinafter the “Third-Party Websites”). These Third-Party Websites are independent of the Website and HOVE has no control over the sources or content of such Third-Party Websites or their links with other websites. The links to Third-Party Websites are not intended in any way as an approval, endorsement or acceptance by HOVE of Third-Party Websites’ content nor an association between HOVE and the owners and/or authors, designers, moderators, operators or hosts of these websites. These links are provided solely as a convenience to Users and Users are fully responsible for visiting such Third-Party Websites.
The information contained on the Website is provided for informational purposes only. HOVE disclaims any warranty related to the accuracy, completeness, precision and comprehensiveness of the information made available and displayed on the Website. HOVE cannot be held liable to anyone with regard to the information and documents made available on the Website, as these information and documents are provided for information purposes only. Information and documents contained on the Website may be modified at any time without prior notice. Users acknowledge that they are solely responsible for their use of the information and documents made available to them via the Website. Users agree to use the services available via the Website and all information and documents accessible via the Website in compliance with public order, morality and third-party rights.
Users shall not interfere with the use of the Website by other Users nor disrupt or interrupt the normal operation of the Website.
Questions about these Terms of Use may be sent by email to, or by post to HOVE, 19 avenue Bugeaud, 75116 Paris, FRANCE.
Terms of Sale
Last update on: 14th December 2021
These terms of sale (hereinafter the “Terms of Sale“) describes the terms and conditions under which the company HOVE, a French Société par Actions Simplifiée with a capital of Euros 1 000,00, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under number 881 973 481, whose registered office is located at 19 avenue Bugeaud, 75116, PARIS, FRANCE, (hereinafter “HOVE”) shall provide to the client (hereinafter the “Client”) its services on the website ““ (hereinafter the “Website”). The services sold are the registration of the candidate’s application for the Olivonomy Paris Awards (hereinafter the “Services“). HOVE and the Client are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and individually referred to as a “Party”. These Terms of Sale can be accessed at any times on the Website.
These Terms of Sale detail the rights and obligations of HOVE and its Client in connection with the sale of the Services. The Services are aimed only at professionals of alcoholic beverages (such as producers, brand owners, distributors). These Terms of Sale represent, in accordance with Article L.441-1 of the French Commercial Code, the unique basis of the commercial relationship between the Parties. All Services performed by HOVE during the duration of these Terms of Sale will be subject to the present Terms of Sale.
All Services performed by HOVE therefore implies the Client’s unreserved acceptance to these Terms of Sale. These Terms of Sale are accepted by the Client by clicking the corresponding checkbox before the payment of the Services. HOVE reserves the right to adapt or modify these Terms of Sale at any time, the version of these Terms of Sale applicable to any transaction is these Terms of Sale published at the date of the order. The Client acknowledges having been informed that it has the option to save these Terms of Sale on its hard drive and / or printing them on paper.
To place an order, the Client shall at first create a personal account as a candidate by filling its personal data. The creation of an account is subject to the provisions of the Terms of Use, agreed by the Client. During the process of creation of its account, the Client accepts the Olivonomy Paris Awards competition’s rules by checking the corresponding box. The Client must provide truthful and accurate information. All information and pictures provided by the Client shall comply with Articles L3323-1 and seq. of the French Public Health Code. If such information or pictures fail to comply with Articles L3323-1 and seq. of the French Public Health Code, HOVE will have no choice but to delete them.
In case the Client’s information changes at any time, the Client must immediately update its account to reflect those changes. The Client’s password is personal and confidential and the Client must not transfer it or in other ways make it available to others. It is the Client’s responsibility to ensure that the password does not fall into the hands of a third party. If the Client becomes aware that the password is or may have been compromised, the Client is obligated to inform HOVE hereof. If the Client creates the account on behalf its employer, the Client hereby represents and warrants that it has the requisite authority to enter any agreement with HOVE including these Terms of Sale and to bind its employer. Without limiting anything in these Terms of Sale, HOVE will not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, in any way for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of, or in connection with, the Client failure to comply with this Section 2.
In order to place an order, Client must have attained majority and enjoy its full legal capacity to enter into contracts under the law of its country, and possess a valid payment card issued by a bank acceptable to HOVE’s payment provider. HOVE reserves the right to refuse any request or order and to close an account at its sole discretion.
The Client can order the Services, as described on the Website. The Client chooses among the application options, the specificities of its application to the Olivonomy Paris Awards. HOVE takes the greatest care in the presentation and description of the Services in order to provide the Client with the best possible information. However, some non-substantial errors may appear on the Website, which the Client acknowledges and agrees to.
From its personal account, the Client chooses among the application options the Service it wants to purchase. Acceptance of an order placed on the Website is subject to compliance with the procedure put in place by HOVE, expressed by a succession of different steps that the Client shall follow in order to validate its order. Confirmation of the order by the Client implies the acceptance of all provisions of these Terms of Sale and the Terms of Use. A confirmation email summarizing the order (services, prices, quantity etc.) will be sent to the Client by HOVE. For this purpose, the Client formally accepts the use of email for receiving confirmation of the contents of its order. The invoices are available in the section “my dashboard” of the Website.
Despite the best efforts of HOVE to satisfy the Client’s expectations, HOVE may be obliged to cancel an order even after having send a confirmation by email. In such case, the order will be fully reimbursed. HOVE cannot be held liable to the Client or a third party in case of the removal of a Service from the Website, and in case of the replacement or modification of any content published on the Website or refusal of an order after having it confirmed by email. HOVE reserves the right to refuse or cancel any order placed by a Client with whom HOVE has currently a dispute concerning the payment of a previous order, or an objective suspicion of fraud.
As orders are final and irrevocable, any request for modification of the Services ordered by the Client is subject to the acceptance of HOVE. In case of unavailability of the ordered Service, HOVE offers to the Client, the supply of an equivalent Service likely to replace the ordered Service. In case of disagreement of the Client, the unavailability of the ordered Service will lead to the cancellation of the order and the refund of the Client within fourteen (14) business days. In case of breach by the Client of the International Sugarcane Spirits Awards competition’s rules, HOVE can suspend or cancel the registration of the Client as a candidate to the International Sugarcane Spirits Awards, without any indemnification whatsoever.
The price of the Services in euros (€) which excludes VAT, will be the price indicated on the order pages when the Client places its order. HOVE reserves the right to modify the prices of the Services at any time, but the Services will be invoiced and paid on the basis of the rates in force when placing the order, subject to availability. The Services are payable on the day of the order, unless other specific provisions are indicated on the Website. Payment is made securely via the electronic payment module set up by HOVE’s partner Stripe. The list of accepted bank cards is notified to the Client during the payment process via the Stripe module. The Client making a payment via the Stripe module is deemed to have read and fully accepted the legal terms available at any time on the Stripe website. As the case may be, a notice of the order cancellation for error of payment is sent to the email address registered by the Client. The data recorded and kept by HOVE constitute proof of the order and all previous transactions. If HOVE does not accept the Client order, HOVE will refund any payments received within fourteen (14) business days.
HOVE shall make its best efforts to ensure the due, timely and proper performance of the Services. HOVE will thus bring all its efforts and care to the provision of the Services.
The Client acknowledges that the Website and all of its content, including, but not limited to, the Website architecture, as well as any text, articles, information, pictures, videos, images, illustrations (including or not personal data), database, software, trademarks and logo available on this Website (hereinafter the “Content”), are protected by applicable intellectual property laws and are the exclusive property of, or duly licensed to HOVE.
HOVE grants the Client a license to access and use the Website and its Services, notably the database. Please note that the license granted to the Client is a non-exclusive, revocable, personal, non-assignable, non-transferable and non-sublicensable worldwide license.
Except as provided above, Client may not:
• copy, reproduce, represent, publicly display, broadcast, perform, transmit, distribute, sell, publish, permanently or temporarily, all or part of the Content and/or Website in any manner and in any media now known or hereinafter developed;
• create derivative works of the Content and/or Website;
• modify, translate, adapt, arrange all or part of the Content and/or Website; or
• disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer the Website.
Documents and information provided by HOVE on the Website, notably the table score, the ratings of the alcoholic beverages, and pictures, should not be collected and processed without the prior written approval of HOVE. In particular, the Client agrees not to collect or use such data, through manual or automated means, in order to send unsolicited marketing or other messages or make unsolicited marketing telephone calls or other calls. Showing, reproducing, distributing, extracting or reusing, in part or in whole, of the databases accessible through the Website or the Services is specifically prohibited pursuant to Articles L.341-1 and seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Please note that pursuant to Article L.122-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code, any complete or partial performance/broadcasting or reproduction, by any process whatsoever, which is not expressly authorized shall be unlawful and shall constitute an infringement pursuant to Articles L.335-2 and sq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Any reproduction in whole or in part of the trademarks and logo made from components taken from the Website without the express authorization of HOVE is prohibited by Article L.713-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code.
As an exception to the above, each Client who has received one or more awards and has obtained a certificate identifying him and specifying the nature of the distinction of the rewarded reference(s), will be able to order (according to the rates in effect on the day of obtaining the reward(s), as stated on the Website) stickers, corresponding to the nature of the distinction, to be affixed to decorative elements and bottles of the rewarded reference(s), as well as official medal(s), obtaining an individual derogatory right to use the International Sugarcane Spirits Awards’ logo for a one-year period. In addition, the Client who wishes to obtain a waiver to reproduce the International Sugarcane Spirits Awards’ logo will have to buy this derogatory right from HOVE (according to the rates in effect on the day of obtaining the reward(s), as stated on the Website). He will then be able, for a period of one year, to reproduce it on the labels of the rewarded references, or on any other medium. Under no circumstances will the Customer be able to make changes to the logo, especially with regard to its proportions, diameter or colour. The payment of the individual derogatory right of use or the individual derogatory right to reproduce the logo of the International Sugarcane Spirits Awards is made on the day of the order. No further reproduction of the logo, stickers and official medals of the International Sugarcane Spirits Awards is permitted. Any counterfeiting, reproduction and/or non-compliant use of the logo, stickers and official medals of the International Sugarcane Spirits Awards is prohibited and sanctioned by HOVE which reserves the right to any related lawsuit.
The Client grants HOVE a worldwide, non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free right and license to publish, display, reproduce, modify, create derivative works of and commercially exploit the data provided by the Client to HOVE when creating its account on the Website and using the Services (hereinafter the “Client’s Content”). This license to use granted to HOVE by the Client applies in particular to the pictures of the alcohols competing the International Sugarcane Spirits Awards, their description, information regarding the Client and the results of the ratings by the judges. This license to use is granted for any medium and for the duration of the intellectual property rights.
This license to use the Client’s Content includes in particular for HOVE the rights:
• to reproduce or to have reproduced the Client’s Content, in whole or in part, by any means of diffusion and communication, without limitation of number, in whole or in part, by any means and processes;
• to represent or have represented the Client’ Content, in whole or in part, by all means of diffusion and communication;
• to adapt, modify, transform, and develop, in whole or in part, the Client’s Content, and also to integrate them in whole or in part into existing or future works, and this on any paper, magnetic or optical medium, including the Internet;
• to use and distribute the Client’s Content within the framework of the commercial exploitation of the Website, of the International Sugarcane Spirits Awards, and of all advertising thereof.
HOVE expressly undertakes to refrain from using the Client’s Content in a way that may infringe on the privacy or reputation of the Client, nor to use these data on any pornographic, racist, xenophobic or any other prejudicial medium.
In the event of failure by the Client to comply with its obligations provided by these Terms of Sale, and fifteen (15) days after formal notice to perform this obligation within a reasonable period, HOVE may request the termination of these Terms of Sale without prejudice to damages. Termination of these Terms of Sale shall be pronounced by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt and shall be acquired by right without judicial formality. Regarding any direct damages, HOVE will be liable up to 50% of the amount of the Services ordered by the Client.
HOVE will use its best efforts to ensure Website and Services availability and accessibility 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please note that the Internet network and IT and telecommunication systems are not error-free, and interruptions and failures may occur. HOVE makes no warranty in this respect and cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from the use of the Website, the Internet network and the IT and telecommunication systems. The Client agrees that it is its responsibility to install suitable anti-virus and security software on its computer hardware and other devices to protect against any such bugs, viruses or other such harmful programming routines. Any content downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the Website is done at Client’s own risk and the Client will be solely responsible for any damage to its computer system or loss of data that results from the download of any such content. HOVE cannot be held liable for any damage whatsoever resulting from any login to the Website by Client which is made under its sole liability. HOVE may temporarily suspend access to the Website and Services, including for technical maintenance purposes, without notice nor incurring any liability whatsoever. Client agrees to use the Services and all information and documents accessible via the Website in compliance with public order, morality and third-party rights, notably Articles L.3323-1 and seq. of the French Public Health Code. Client shall not interfere with the use of the Website by other users nor disrupt or interrupt the normal operation of the Website.
HOVE will not be responsible or liable for any following losses, whenever its cause:
• Loss of benefit or sales;
• Loss or revenue;
• Loss of profits or contract or opportunity;
• Loss of expecting savings;
• Loss of data;
• Loss of business, management or administration time;
• Damage to the image;
• Lost chance and especially of sale or purchase of a service;
• Psychological damage.
HOVE can not be held liable if the non-execution or delay in the execution of one of its obligations described in these Terms of Sale results from a case of force majeure. As such, force majeure is understood to mean any external, unforeseeable and irresistible event within the meaning of Article 1218 of the French Civil Code.
In connection with the creation of a personal account and the purchase of the Services, HOVE will process certain personal data about the Client. These processing will be made in accordance with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of January 6th, 1978 as modified (hereinafter the “Loi Informatique et Libertés” or “LIL”), the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of April 27th, 2016 (hereinafter the “GDPR”), and with the terms of HOVE’s Privacy Policy available here.
Clause and paragraph headings shall not affect the interpretation of these Terms of Sale. If there is an inconsistency between any of the provisions in the main body of these Terms of Sale and the headings, the provisions in the main body of these Terms of Sale shall prevail. If any provisions of these Terms of Sale are held to be invalid or declared as such under any law, regulation or following a final decision of a competent jurisdiction, such provision shall nevertheless be enforced to the fullest extent permitted and the other provisions shall remain in full force and scope.
These Terms of Sale are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of France. In the event of a dispute between the Client and HOVE concerning the interpretation, performance or termination of these Terms of Sale, HOVE strongly encourages the Client to contact HOVE in the first instance to attempt to resolve the disagreement amicably. HOVE hereby notifies Client that there are alternative dispute settlement options such as mediation or arbitration. ANY DISAGREEMENT OR LITIGATION WHICH CAN NOT BE SETTLED ON AN AMICABLE BASIS FALLS WITHIN THE EXCLUSIVE COMPETENCE OF THE COURTS OF PARIS, FRANCE, NOTWITHSTANDING MULTIPLICITY OF DEFENDANTS, INTRODUCTION OF THIRD PARTIES, SUMMARY PROCEEDINGS, BY SUMMARY ACTION OR PETITION.
Legal notice
This website accessible via the URL « » (hereafter the “Website”) is edited and operated by HOVE, a French Société par Actions Simplifiée with a capital of Euros 1 000, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under number 881 973 481, whose registered office is located at 19 avenue Bugeaud, 75116, PARIS, FRANCE, with an intra-community VAT number FR XX 881 973 481.
For any request concerning the Website, you can contact us by email to
The publishing director is Emmanuelle Dechelette.
The Website is hosted by OVH, whose registered office is located at 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 ROUBAIX – France. In order to contact this company, please go to
Credits :
Conception & Copywriting: HOVE
Design & Development: Hands Off My Fries !
Privacy policy
Last update on: June 6th, 2020
RUM INTELLIGENCE (hereinafter “RUM INTELLIGENCE” or “we”) is committed to respecting your privacy and the data protection regulations.
The data protection regulations include the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of April 27th, 2016 (hereinafter the “GDPR”) and the French Data Protection act n°78-17 of January 6th, 1978, modified by the French law n°2018-493 of June 20th, 2018 (hereinafter the “French Data Protection Act”).
Throughout this privacy policy (hereinafter the “Privacy Policy”), “you” refers to you our users, and everyone who visits our website accessible via the URL « » (hereinafter the “Website”).
The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to give you information on how we process your personal data and the commitments made by RUM INTELLIGENCE to ensure compliance with the GDPR and the French Protection Act.
As used herein, the terms “data controller”, “personal data”, “processing”, and “data processor” have the meaning given to them in Article 4 of the GDPR.
1. Data controller identity
The Data Controller is RUM INTELLIGENCE, a French Société par Actions Simplifiée with a capital of Euros 10 000,00, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under number 881 973 481, whose registered office is located at 128 rue de la Boétie, 75008, PARIS, FRANCE.
RUM INTELLIGENCE is the legal entity that processes the personal data on the Website and implements procedures to safeguard these data and respect the rights of the data subjects.
2. What personal data do we collect from you? How do we use your information?
We might collect or receive personal data from you via our Website. Sometimes you give us your personal data directly (e.g. when you create an account, when you contact us, when you apply as a candidate to the International Sugarcane Spirits Awards), sometimes we collect them (e.g. using cookies to understand how you use our Website).
In the table below, you will find information regarding the context of the collection of your personal data, the type of personal data we collect, our use of your personal data and the legal basis for such processing of personal data.
A) Personal account creation and management
In which context is your personal data collected?
Your personal data are collected during the creation or management of your account on our Website.
What personal data may we collect from you?
• First name and surname;
• Email address;
• Phone number;
• Password.
And for judges only:
• Address;
• Phone number;
• Photo;
• Biography (which may include the professional background or other personal information)
• Social networks & web links
How and why we may use it? | What is our legal basis for processing your personal data? |
• Manage your registration to the International Sugarcane Spirits Awards (for candidates only); • Allow you to manage your preferences; • Allow you to access our database of information regarding the alcoholic beverages competing to the International Sugarcane Spirits Awards |
The performance of a contract: so you can create and manage your account. |
• Send you marketing communications (where you have asked us to); | Consent: so you can receive our marketing communications. |
• Monitor and improve our Website; • Run analytics or collect statistics; • Secure our Website and protect you and us against fraud. |
Our legitimate interests: (i) to improve our services, (ii) adapt our marketing communications and ensure that you receive the most appropriate experience; (iii) prevent fraud; and (iv) secure our Website. |
B) Newsletter
In which context is your personal data collected?
Your personal data are collected when you subscribe to receive our newsletter and/or our marketing communications.
What personal data may we collect from you?
• Email address
How and why we may use it? | What is our legal basis for processing your personal data? |
• Send you newsletter (where you have asked us to). | Consent: so you can receive our newsletter. |
• Run analytics or collect statistics. | Our legitimate interests: (i) to improve our services, and (ii) adapt our marketing communications and ensure that you receive the most appropriate experience. |
C) For candidates of the International Sugarcane Spirits Awards only: purchases and order management
In which context is your personal data collected?
Your personal data are collected during the payment process of your application to the International Sugarcane Spirits Awards
What personal data may we collect from you?
• Contact name
• Email Address;
• Phone Number;
• Transaction information;
• Payment and information;
• Purchase history.
How and why we may use it? | What is our legal basis for processing your personal data? |
• Process your order; • Manage payment: Please note that your payment information (credit card number) are not collected by us directly, but by secure payment service providers. • Manage any contact you have with us about your order; • Manage any dispute relating to a purchase. |
The performance of a contract: so you can make purchase and we can manage the associated logistics. Legal obligation: |
• Secure your transactions against fraud. We may use a third-party provider’s solution to detect fraud and make sure that payment is completed; • Run analytics or collect statistics. |
Our legitimate interests: (i) to improve our services, (ii) adapt our marketing communications and ensure that you receive the most appropriate experience; (iii) prevent fraud; and (iv) secure our Website. |
D) Online browsing
– In which context is your personal data collected?
Your personal data are collected by cookies or similar technologies when you browse the Website.
– What personal data may we collect from you?
For more information on how we use cookies, please read our Cookie Policy available here.
E) Enquiries
– In which context is your personal data collected?
Your personal data are collected when you ask us questions by email or others means, relating to the International Sugarcane Spirits Awards, the alcoholic beverages candidates, or your purchases, account or rights.
– What personal data may we collect from you?
First name and surname;
Email address;
Phone number
How and why we may use it? | What is our legal basis for processing your personal data? |
Answer and manage your enquiries | If you already created your personal account, our legal basis is: the performance of a contract.
If you do not have a personal account, our legal basis is: consent. |
Run analytics and statistics | Our legitimate interest: to (i) improve our services, and (ii) adapt our marketing communications and ensure that you receive the most appropriate experience. |
When you opt to provide your personal data via one of the forms on our Website, you will notice that certain fields are marked with an asterisk. The asterisk denotes information that are required.
Some of the personal data we request from you are necessary for us to:
• Perform our contract with you (e.g. to receive your payment);
• Provide you with a service you have asked for (e.g. to provide you with a newsletter);
• Comply with legal requirements (e.g. invoicing).
If you do not provide the personal data marked with an asterisk, this may affect the services that we can provide to you.
3. Who may access your personal data?
Access to your personal data is strictly limited to persons designated and authorized by RUM INTELLIGENCE.
We also disclose your personal data to our authorized partners, where processing requires the involvement of a third party of this type:
• Mailjet;
• Google;
• CookieBot;
• Stripe.
In any event, these third parties are, due to the nature of their activity, legitimate to receive your personal data for the purposes for which the data was lawfully obtained. In these specific cases, RUM INTELLIGENCE requires its partners to respect data privacy regulations by implementing strict confidentiality and data protection policies.
Please note that we will not disclose your personal data to third parties which are not authorized to process them.
If necessary, your personal data could be disclosed to government institutions, agencies, or legal or administrative authorities if they request that we disclose your personal data.
In the event that RUM INTELLIGENCE is acquired by or merged with a third-party entity, or enters into receivership or bankruptcy, we may transfer or assign the information that we have collected from you as part of that merger, acquisition, sale, bankruptcy or other change of control.
4. How long do we retain your personal data?
RUM INTELLIGENCE will not retain your personal data longer than necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected or to fulfill legal obligations, or as permitted by law, e.g. to defend legal claims. Afterwards, we will delete your personal data. The individual retention periods depend on the type of personal data and the purpose of its processing.
Depending on the type of use of data processed, RUM INTELLIGENCE applies the following retention periods:
Type of use of the data collected | Retention period |
Personal data processed for marketing communication purpose | Three (3) years from the date of inactivity |
Personal data regarding your account | Duration of the commercial relationship with you and three (3) years following its term |
Personal data regarding your account in case we have to manage any dispute relating to a purchase. | Five (5) years from the closing of the claim |
Personal data processed for payment transactions and invoicing | Duration of the commercial relationship with you and ten (10) years following its term |
Cookies stored by RUM INTELLIGENCE on your computer or mobile devices | Thirteen (13) months from the date of your consent |
Personal data in case you exercise of your rights regarding our process of your personal data | One (1) year in case you exercise your rights regarding our process of your personal data, with the exception of the duration of three (3) years for the specific exercise of your right to oppose to our processing of your personal data (based on your consent or our legitimate interest). |
5. What is our commitment to data security?
RUM INTELLIGENCE takes the protection of your personal data seriously. Therefore, we have implemented a range of security measures, both organizational and technical, to prevent:
• The unintended destruction or loss of your personal data;
• The disclosure of your personal data to persons who do not need access to your personal data to fulfil the purposes of processing;
• Leaks or breaches of your personal data and, more broadly, unauthorized access to or use of your personal data.
However, please be aware that no security measures are perfect or impenetrable.
6. Where do we store your personal data?
We store your personal data inside the European Union.
7. What are your privacy rights?
In accordance with the GDPR and the French Data Protection Act, and to the extent permitted by applicable data protection regulations, you have the right to:
• Access to the personal data held by RUM INTELLIGENCE about you;
• Request their update or correction in case of inaccuracy;
• Request the deletion of your personal data if it is no longer needed by RUM INTELLIGENCE for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;
• Data portability, which allows you to obtain your personal data in an electronic format for you or for another controller;
• Object to or restrict the processing of your personal data;
• When the legal basis of the data processing was the consent, withdraw your consent at any time where your personal data was processed with your consent, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal or where there is another legal basis for processing your data (e.g. overriding legitimate interests);
• File a complaint with the data controller, and/or the relevant data protection authority.
For French citizens users, you also have the right to send us special instructions regarding what should happen to your personal data after your death.
Questions, comments, requests, and complaints must be emailed to the following address:, or mailed to us at: RUM INTELLIGENCE, 128 rue de la Boétie, 75008, PARIS, FRANCE. All requests will be handled promptly, and no longer than one month after receiving the request. This period may be extended to two (2) months considering the complexity and number of requests. RUM INTELLIGENCE will inform you by electronic means when the request was made by electronic means unless otherwise requested by you in case of extension of the period of one (1) month, within one (1) month of receipt of the request, together with the reasons of the delay.
8. Links to other websites and social media
The Website may contain links to the websites of our partners or third-party companies.
Please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we waive all liability for how these sites use the information collected when you click on those links. Please review these sites’ privacy policies before sending them your personal data.
9. Changes to this Privacy Policy
RUM INTELLIGENCE reserves the right to update this Privacy Policy in order to adapt it to new practices and service plans or to changes in the present applicable data protection regulations.
Any substantial change of this Privacy Policy relating to how we process your personal data will be announced visibly on the Website. In the event of an update, the Privacy Policy date will be updated to indicate the day when the amendments were made.
Cookie policy
Last update on: December 12th, 2021
HOVE (hereinafter “HOVE” or “we”) is committed to respecting your privacy and the data protection regulations. The data protection regulations include the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of April 27th, 2016 (hereinafter the “GDPR”) and the French Data Protection act n°78-17 of January 6th, 1978, modified by the French law n°2018-493 of June 20th, 2018 (hereinafter the “French Data Protection Act”). The purpose of this cookie policy (hereinafter the “Cookie Policy”) is to provide you information on the operation and objectives of cookies, on how HOVE uses cookies and how to set your cookie preferences. Throughout this Cookie Policy, “you” refers to you, our users and everyone who visits our websites accessible via the URLs « », « », « », « », « » and « » (hereinafter the “Website”).
A cookie is a component stored and read when you browse on the Website, which collects personal data to optimize your user browsing experience. Cookies are used to save information about your browsing history of the Website, making it possible to decipher that information when you visit again the Website, thereby making subsequent browsing easier (such as adjusting the language settings).
There are different categories of cookies:
• Session cookies: these cookies expire once you close your web browser;
• Persistent cookies: these cookies stay on your device until their expiry or until you delete them.
Cookies can be classified according to their purposes:
• Strictly necessary cookies: these cookies are essential in order to provide our services on the Website;
• Performance/statistics cookies: these cookies collect anonymous information on how you use our services, in order to improve the Website performance;
• Preferences/functionality cookies: these cookies remember your choices that change the way the Website looks or behave, such as your language;
• Marketing cookies: these cookies are used to serve you personalized ads based on your browsing habits.
The cookies used on the Website are:
• HOVE’s cookies; and
• Third-parties’ cookies.
Cookies installed by HOVE on the Website are the following:
Cookie type: Strictly necessary
Provider: Hove / CookieBot
Purpose: We use cookies in order to enable you to use the services on the Website.
Name | Expiry | Type |
terms_of_use | 365 days if “remember me” is checked, 1 day otherwise | HTTP |
CookieConsent | 365 days | HTTP |
Cookie type: Preferences
Provider: Hove
Purpose: We use cookies to save browsing preferences and optimize your user browsing experience. Among these cookies, there are some which define your preferred language.
Name | Expiry | Type |
wp-wpml_current_language | 1 day | HTML Local storage |
Cookie type: Statistics
Provider: Google
Purpose: Statistic cookies help website owners to understand how visitors interact with websites by collecting and reporting information anonymously.
Name | Expiry | Type |
collect | Session | Pixel |
_ga | 2 years | HTTP |
_gat | 1 day | HTTP |
_gid | 1 day | HTTP |
HOVE uses services offered by third parties that use cookies.
Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google uses data collected via cookies to track and analyze the Company’s use of that data, prepare reports on its activities, and share them with other Google services. Google may use the collected Data to contextualize and customize the advertisements of its own advertising network.
You can read Google Analytics’ privacy policy at the following address:
You have several options to manage your cookie preferences.
Most of the browsers have default settings which accepts the use of cookies. However, you can choose to reject all the cookies or accept in full or in part. You can also delete cookies on your devices via your browser. Each browser configuration of cookie preferences is different so it is important to refer to the relevant browser’s webpage, notably:
• for Microsoft Edge™:;
• for Safari™:;
• for Chrome™:;
• For Firefox™:
You can also opt out third parties’ cookies by visiting their website. For instance, in order to opt out Google Analytics cookies, visit the following page:
Marketing professionals’ platform may allow you to opt in or opt out cookies from member companies. Such mechanisms prevent from the use of cookies delivering ads relevant to you and your interests. You can visit the website in order to learn how to opt out.
You can opt in or opt out cookies in full or in part via a cookie management module. You can access to this module and change your cookie preferences at any time via this link.
For cookies other than purely technical cookies, the legal ground we rely on is your consent to the processing of your personal data via cookies. Your consent could be given or withdrawn using the means described in Section 3.
HOVE will not retain the personal data longer collected through cookies longer than thirteen (13) months from the date of your consent. Afterwards, we will delete such personal data.
HOVE reserves the right to update this Cookie Policy in order to adapt it to new practices and service plans or to changes in the present applicable data protection regulations. Any substantial change of this Cookie Policy relating to how we process your personal data will be announced visibly on the Website. In the event of an update, the Cookie Policy date will be updated to indicate the day when the amendments were made.
Questions, comments, requests, and complaints must be emailed to the following address:, or mailed to us at: HOVE, 19 avenue Bugeaud, 75116, PARIS, FRANCE.