Fernando Martinez Roman

Tasting Awards jury


Doctor in Biological Sciences, R&D Specialist at the Instituto de la Grasa, member of the Higher Council for Scientific Research, Dr Martínez Roman is also co-author of the patent coordinated control system for continuous extraction lines of virgin olive oil. He is Professor in 9 editions of the course of high specialization in fats, in olive oil tasting, Olive Oil Production Process, olive Growing and Elaiotecnia.
Member of the jury in numerous national and international oil tasting competitions:
Sevilla, Jaén (Jaén Selección), Málaga, Huelva for the best EVOO, Gran Picual contest and Expoliva oils (Jaén), Ecotrama, (Córdoba), Beja and Santarem Competition (Portugal), LAIEVOOC Los Angeles and NYIOOC. New York (USA), Aucland (New Zealand), Terra di Cicerone. Arpino (Italy), TerraOlivo. Jerusalem(Israel), Argoliva. San Juan (Argentina), Golden Lion, Verona (Italy).Jury of the Iberoleum guide in 5 editions to the best national oils and of the Evooleum guide to the best international oils.