Agronomist Engineer, Doctor in Agronomic Sciences, Teacher-researcher at the Agronomic School of Meknes, head of the research group on olive tree cultivation and olive oil production. Founder and Manager of the Agro-pole Olivier Meknès, Cluster/Centre of Investigation, Innovation and Promotion of Olive Oil and member of the scientific committee of the programme “The Routes of the Olive Tree” officially recognised as an “International Cultural Itinerary” by UNESCO in 2003 and as a “Great European Cultural Itinerary” by the European Council in 2006, and member of the scientific committee of the Mediterranean Network of Olive Oil Towns He is the head of the tasting panel of the Agro-pole Olivier Meknès and author and co-author of a vast scientific documentation (genetic resources of the olive tree, multiplication, quality and typicity of olive oil, valorisation of the Biomass of the olive tree, documentary, exhibition for children, etc.). Recognised for his commitment as an international olive expert, he is involved in various international programmes, and has contributed to giving a strong international impulse to the knowledge of Moroccan olive oil.